Reusable skin penetration instruments must be thoroughly cleaned and then sterilised using a steam-under-pressure bench top autoclave.
The Public Health Regulation 2022 (the Regulation) requires all reusable instruments that penetrate a person’s skin to be sterilised in line with AS/NZS 4815:2006 and be kept in a sterile condition until used in a skin penetration procedure. Small Parts Ultrasonic Cleaner

Sterilisation is a process that kills micro-organisms including bacteria (and their spores), fungi and viruses.
All reusable instruments and equipment that puncture a person’s skin must be sterilised before use in a skin penetration procedure.
Reusable equipment requiring sterilisation includes:
Note: Ultrasonic cleaners clean but do not sterilise instruments.

10*13inch Vacuum Bags (The table above is reproduced by NSW Health with the permission of Standards Australia Limited under licence CLF0722HNSW. Copyright in AS/NZS 4815:2006 vests in Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand. Users must not copy or reuse this work without the permission of Standards Australia or the copyright owner.)