A Guide To Getting Rid Of Termites Yourself

2022-09-16 21:46:53 By : Mr. Leon Xiong

Termites are small insects that live inside your home and outside in your backyard. Termites come in two distinct types – subterranean termites and dry wood termites. The former of these are very difficult to get rid of, whilst dry wood termites are much easier to eradicate from your property.

Termites are known for eating their way through wood, as well as cellulose in your house’s walls. What attracts them to your property is food waste material, wood, and moisture. They act as a real threat to any wood materials that are present at your property, as they can quickly become destroyed by termites.

However, fortunately, there are a number of ways that you can get rid of termites from your property. Some of these are listed below so that you can take this action for yourself.

A common resource that is effective in killing off termites is sunlight. Putting any pieces of wood that are termite ridden will get rid of the insects as they are unable to withstand the high temperatures that result from being in direct sunlight. Additionally, termites will do what they can in order to avoid direct light.

Many hardware and even grocery stores sell borax powder. You may also see it labeled as sodium borate – this is exactly the same stuff. The powder should be mixed with a specific amount of both sugar and water to create a solution. This solution should then be sprayed wherever the termites are at your property. The sugar works to attract the insects in the first place and then the highly acidic borax powder will kill them off by attacking their nervous system. You can prevent termites from ever appearing in the first place by making the powder into a paste and then applying it to wood before painting it.

Aromas, such as neem and orange, have the ability to naturally get rid of termites. In order to implement this, you should get two glasses of water and then put ten drops of essential oil, and two drops of soap, and then mix it all together to create a spray. This solution should be sprayed on those spots at your property where the termites are, as well as any other spots where they could possibly be. It is the acidic properties of the solution that attracts the termites to it in the first place and what will eventually kill them.

Most people will already have this substance in their home but if not it can be purchased from just about any grocery store. It should be mixed with citric content, such as lemon, and water, and then sprayed throughout your property in order to get rid of any termite infestations that you may have.

If you have tried all of these things and none of them have worked, it is then time to call in the professionals. They have a wide range of tools and techniques to rid termites from your property.

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